quelle est une doorknob?

the joke is. a girl is like a doorknob. at one point or another in her life, everybody gets a turn at her.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Challenge: Soul Food

By soul food I do not mean collards, fried chicken, and grape soda. Show us your comfort foods, what makes you feel better after a rough day, but give it a unique twist.

Deadline: July 31

Good luck fellow knobs!


Patrick C. said...

What if what makes you feel better is mi-deng food? :-D

Kelcy said...

haha,then mi-deng is what you should definitely do! i have nothing against chitlins!

jenniferhoiyin said...

what a fun blog! I was blog hopping and found myself here. So is this an open invitation thing? If not I'm excited to see what you come up with. Love it so far! :)